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I want to give you a real heads-up for your desire to enable such people as I to acquire the information I need to maintain the older types of equipment such as this Akai HXA351W. You do a swell job with all the processes you have to perform so I can have a legible, thus usable
document which does not send me crazy trying to figure out the blurry text of a bad copy.
Very well done, Thomas.
This manual is very well presented and after printing out looks about as close to an original as I think you can get. The quality is second to none.
The content of the manual is comprehensive and I think it would be well suited to an audio repair professional which I'm not but I did find it very informative and helpful.
The cost of the manual is more than covered by the money I'll save when I change the keep memory battery now I have the relavant info.
Very pleased with my purchase and can recommend it wholeheartedly as I can other manuals I've downloaded from this site.
Limey Alex
Complete manual including mechanical part in good pdf quality. Shaded greys of the pcb due to pdf not perfect but usable.
Nice pdf file of the manual sent promptly. Thanks.
Complete MFG Service Manual at a good price FAST !
1. Preparations
1) Compact disc players incorporate a great many ICs as well as the pick-up (laser diode). These components are sensitive to, and easily affected by, static electricity. If such static electricity is high voltage, components can be damaged, and for that reason components should be handled with care. 2) The pick-up is composed of many optical components and other high-precision components. Care must be taken, therefore, to avoid repair or storage where the temperature of humidity is high, where strong magnetism is present, or where there is excessive dust.
2. Notes for repair
1) Before replacing a component part, first disconnect the power supply lead wire from the unit 2) All equipment, measuring instruments and tools must be grounded. 3) The workbench should be covered with a conductive sheet and grounded. When removing the laser pick-up from its conductive bag, do not place the pick-up on the bag. (This is because there is the possibility of damage by static electricity.) 4) To prevent AC leakage, the metal part of the soldering iron should be grounded. 5) Workers should be grounded by an armband (1M �) 6) Care should be taken not to permit the laser pick-up to come in contact with clothing, in order to prevent static electricity changes in the clothing to escape from the armband. 7) The laser beam from the pick-up should NEVER be directly facing the eyes or bare skin. Armband
Resistor (1 Mohm) Resistor (1 Mohm) Conductive Sheet
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